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Magnetotherapy & Pressotherapy

WEPERE’s mission is as follows: promoting wellness and the psychophysical well-being of athletes and others to enhance performance, achieve ever-better results, and support recovery for faster rehabilitation after training, competition, or injuries. You can also conveniently use all the products alone at home. The top products from WEPERE are now available in the DOWE online shop!


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Lob Magnet Therapy


Magnet therapy is excellent for sports. It is ideal for athletes with joint conditions and for recovery and rehabilitation after an injury, all from the comfort of home.


Wepere “Arya” Compression Boots

Arya is the compression that is good for sports. The Made in Italy solution for supporting muscle recovery and lactic acid breakdown after training or competition. Helps to improve blood circulation and drain excess fluids.


Wepere “Restart” Ultrasound Therapy

Restart is the ideal ultrasound therapy for muscle-tendon fatigue or contractures, whenever and wherever you want. It helps you recover quickly after intense performance or an injury, and also assists in draining fluids and hematomas. It’s also perfect for combating cellulite.


Wepere “Mio-Care Fitness” Electrotherapy

Mio-Care Fitness is the perfect electrostimulator for athletes: It strengthens, defines, and tones muscles while also addressing pain when needed.


DOWE Sportswear is a partner of Wepere and distributes their products. Please contact us if you have any questions about shipping and payment methods. The diverse product range from Wepere is also detailed on their website. Learn more at: